Speaking with Confidence. One-day Training

On November 23, 2019, we had a full-day training ‘Speaking with Confidence’ as part of the CAWIC’s Women Leadership Program launched in 2018.

At the Program, we defined strategies for designing and delivering impactful messages that maintain your audience’s interest. We explored various tools and techniques to become a confident and influential speaker.

Each participant had an opportunity to practice, get feedback and, as a result, identify their unique strengths and talents as a speaker.

One of the most important topics covered during the day was dealing with stress before and during your presentation in front of an audience.

I was personally impressed by the improvements in HOW the participants were able to convey their messages to the end of the training.

The feedback we received was so positive that we decided to repeat Speaking with Confidence training next year.

We will be announcing our future events at www.relivecoaching.com or www.cawic.ca in early 2020. 

Below are examples of answers that participants gave to the question: “What was the most important and valuable for you?”

“The content was amazing!”

“Getting involved and how to engage your audience”

“Great coach! She gave us honest review and feedback when we did our presentation”

“Everything was great. A safe, fun environment for the second worst fear in the world!”

“Practice/rehearse, exercises in the process of putting together a presentation, tips for stress management”

“Really appreciated the hands-on practice and activities. Very engaging”

“Learning the structure models, learning the valuable tips for communication”

“Amazing experience! Great Coach, personal feedback!”

“Learning of different structures to prepare a presentation. It will definitely assist me in future presentations (structure, audience, etc)”

Thank you all for participating in the Program!

We look forward to seeing you at our future events.